Juliano Rizzo (@julianor), Thai Duong (@thaidn)
2) Evercookie
Samy Kamkar (@samykamkar)
3) Hacking Auto-Complete (Safari v1, Safari v2 TabHack, Firefox, Internet Explorer)
Jeremiah Grossman (@jeremiahg)
4) Attacking HTTPS with Cache Injection (Bad Memories)
Elie Bursztein (@ELIE), Baptiste Gourdin (@bapt1ste), Dan Boneh
5) Bypassing CSRF protections with ClickJacking and HTTP Parameter Pollution
Lavakumar Kuppan (@lavakumark)
6) Universal XSS in IE8 (CVE, White Paper)
Eduardo Vela (@sirdarckcat), David Lindsay (@thornmaker)
Wong Onn Chee, Tom Brennan (@brennantom)
8) JavaSnoop
Arshan Dabirsiaghi (@nahsra)
9) CSS History Hack In Firefox Without JavaScript for Intranet Portscanning
Robert "RSnake" Hansen (@rsnake)
10) Java Applet DNS Rebinding
The Complete List
- Evercookie
- Hacking Auto-Complete (Safari v1, Safari v2 TabHack, Firefox, Internet Explorer)
- Cookie Eviction
- Converting unimplementable Cookie-based XSS to a persistent attack
- phpwn: Attack on PHP sessions and random numbers
- NAT Pinning: Penetrating routers and firewalls from a web page (forcing router to port forward)
- Mapping a web browser to GPS coordinates via router XSS + Google Location Services without prompting the user
- XSHM Mark 2
- MitM DNS Rebinding SSL/TLS Wildcards and XSS
- Using Cookies For Selective DoS and State Detection
- Quick Proxy Detection
- Flash Camera and Mic Remember Function and XSS
- Improving HTTPS Side Channel Attacks
- Side Channel Attacks in SSL
- Turning XSS into Clickjacking
- Bypassing CSRF protections with ClickJacking and HTTP Parameter Pollution
- CSS History Hack In Firefox Without JavaScript for Intranet Portscanning
- Popup & Focus URL Hijacking
- Hacking Facebook with HTML5
- Stealing entire Auto-Complete data in Google Chrome
- Chrome and Safari users open to stealth HTML5 AppCache attack
- DNS Rebinding on Java Applets
- Strokejacking
- The curse of inverse strokejacking
- Re-visiting JAVA De-serialization: It can't get any simpler than this !!
- Fooling B64_Encode(Payload) on WAFs and filters
- MySQL Stacked Queries with SQL Injection...sort of
- A Twitter DomXss, a wrong fix and something more
- Get Internal Network Information with Java Applets
- Java DSN Rebinding + Java Same IP Policy = The Internet Mayhem
- Java Applet Same IP Host Access
- ASP.NET 'Padding Oracle' Crypto Attack
- Posting raw XML cross-domain
- Generic cross-browser cross-domain theft
- One vector to rule them all
- Penetrating Intranets through Adobe Flex Applications
- No Alnum JavaScript (cheat sheet, jjencode demo)
- Attacking HTTPS with Cache Injection
- Tapjacking: owning smartphone browsers
- Breaking into a WPA network with a webpage
- XSS-Track: How to quietly track a whole website through single XSS
- Next Generation Clickjacking
- XSSing client-side dynamic HTML includes by hiding HTML inside images and more
- Stroke triggered XSS and StrokeJacking
- Internal Port Scanning via Crystal Reports
- Lost in Translation (ASP’s HomoXSSuality)
- Cross Site URL Hijacking by using Error Object in Mozilla Firefox
- JavaSnoop
- IIS5.1 Directory Authentication Bypass by using ":$I30:$Index_Allocation"
- Universal XSS in IE8
- padding oracle web attack (poet, Padbuster, demo)
- IIS6/ASP & file upload for fun and profit
- Google Chrome HTTP AUTH Dialog Spoofing through Realm Manipulation
- NoScript Bypass - "Reflective XSS" through Union SQL Poisoning Trick
- Persistent Cross Interface Attacks
- Port Scanning with HTML5 and JS-Recon
- Performing DDoS attacks with HTML5 Cross Origin Requests & WebWorkers
- Cracking hashes in the JavaScript cloud with Ravan
- Will it Blend?
- Stored XSS Vulnerability @ Amazon
- Poisoning proxy caches using Java/Flash/Web Sockets
- How to Conceal XSS Injection in HTML5
- Expanding the Attack Surface
- Chronofeit Phishing
- Non-Obvious (Crypto) Bugs by Example
- SQLi filter evasion cheat sheet (MySQL)
- Tabnabbing: A New Type of Phishing Attack
- UI Redressing: Attacks and Countermeasures Revisited
Source : http://jeremiahgrossman.blogspot.com/2011/01/top-ten-web-hacking-techniques-of-2010.html
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